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The 1891-1920 birth cohort of Quebec chrysotile miners and millers: mortality 1976-88.




A cohort of some 11,000 men born 1891-1920 and employed for at least one month in the chrysotile mines and mills of Quebec, was established in 1966 and has been followed ever since. Of the 5351 men surviving into 1976, only 16 could not be traced; 2508 were still alive in 1989, and 2827 had died; by the end of 1992 a further 698 were known to have died, giving an overall mortality of almost 80%. This paper presents the results of analysis of mortality for the period 1976 to 1988 inclusive, obtained by the subject-years method, with Quebec mortality for reference. In many respects the standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) 20 years or more after first employment were similar to those for the period 1951-75--namely, all causes 1.07 (1951-75, 1.09); heart disease 1.02 (1.04); cerebrovascular disease 1.06 (1.07); external causes 1.17 (1.17). The SMR for lung cancer, however, rose from 1.25 to 1.39 and deaths from mesothelioma increased from eight (10 before review) to 25; deaths from respiratory tuberculosis fell from 57 to five. Among men whose exposure by age 55 was at least 300 million particles per cubic foot x years (mpcf.y), the SMR (all causes) was elevated in the two main mining regions, Asbestos and Thetford Mines, and for the small factory in Asbestos; so were the SMRs for lung cancer, ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and respiratory disease other than pneumoconiosis. Except for lung cancer, however, there was little convincing evidence of gradients over four classes of exposure, divided at 30, 100, and 300 mpcf.y. Over seven narrower categories of exposure up to 300 mpcf.y the SMR for lung cancer fluctuated around 1.27 with no indication of trend, but increased steeply above that level. Mortality form pneumoconiosis was strongly related to exposure, and the trend for mesothelioma was not dissimilar. Mortality generally was related systematically to cigarette smoking habit, recorded in life from 99% of survivors into 1976; smokers of 20 or more cigarettes a day had the highest SMRs not only for lung cancer but also for all causes, cancer of the stomach, pancreas, and larynx, and ischaemic heart disease. For lung cancer SMRs increased fivefold with smoking, but the increase with dust exposure was comparatively slight for non-smokers, lower again for ex-smokers, and negligible for smokers of at least 20 cigarettes a day; thus the asbestos-smoking interaction was less than multiplicative. Of the 33 deaths from mesothelioma in the cohort to date, 28 were in miners and millers and five were in employees of a small asbestos products factory where commercial amphiboles had also been used. Preliminary analysis also suggest that the risk of mesothelioma was higher in the mines and mills at Thetford Mines than in those at Asbestos. More detailed studies of these differences and of exposure-response relations for lung cancer are under way.
机译:1966年成立了一个约有11,000名男性的队列,该群体于1891年至1920年出生,并在魁北克的温石棉矿山和磨坊工作了至少一个月,此后一直受到关注。幸存到1976年的5351名男子中,只有16名无法追查。 1989年有2508人还活着,有2827人死亡。到1992年底,又有698人死亡,总体死亡率几乎达到80%。本文介绍了采用主题年法获得的1976年至1988年(含)期间的死亡率分析结果,其中魁北克死亡率为参考。在许多方面,首次就业后20年或更长时间的标准化死亡率(SMR)与1951-75年的死亡率相似,即所有原因均为1.07(1951-75,1.09);心脏病1.02(1.04);脑血管疾病1.06(1.07);外部原因1.17(1.17)。然而,肺癌的SMR从1.25上升到1.39,间皮瘤的死亡从8例(审查前为10例)增加到25例。呼吸道结核死亡人数从57下降到5。在55岁以下的人中,每立方英尺x年至少暴露3亿个颗粒(mpcf.y),在两个主要采矿区(石棉和塞特福德矿山)以及位于纽约的小型工厂中,SMR(所有原因)都升高了。石棉;除尘肺病外,用于肺癌,局部缺血性心脏病,脑血管疾病和呼吸系统疾病的SMR也是如此。但是,除肺癌外,几乎没有令人信服的证据表明四类暴露分别以30mpcf,100mpcf和300mpcf.y划分梯度。超过300 mpcf.y的7种较窄的暴露类别,肺癌的SMR在1.27左右波动,没有趋势的迹象,但在该水平之上急剧上升。尘肺病的死亡率与接触密切相关,而间皮瘤的发生趋势也没有不同。死亡率通常与吸烟习惯有系统地相关,生活中记录的吸烟率是99%的幸存者到1976年。每天吸烟20次以上的吸烟者不仅对肺癌而且对所有原因,胃癌,胰腺癌和喉癌以及缺血性心脏病的SMR最高。对于肺癌,吸烟者的SMRs增加了5倍,但不吸烟者的烟尘暴露增加相对较小,前吸烟者的SMRs再次降低,而每天至少吸烟20支的吸烟者可以忽略不计。因此,石棉与烟气的相互作用小于乘法。迄今为止,在该队列中的33例间皮瘤死亡中,有28人死于矿工和磨坊工,有5人死于一家小型石棉制品厂的工人,该工厂还使用了商业性的闪石。初步分析还表明,塞特福德矿山的矿山和磨坊间皮瘤的风险要比石棉矿山和磨坊间的高。对这些差异和肺癌的暴露-反应关系的更详细研究正在进行中。



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